Npgsql Connection String with Azure Managed Identity Expiration: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Npgsql Connection String with Azure Managed Identity Expiration: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with tedious connection strings and expired identities when using Npgsql with Azure Managed Identity? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating and managing an Npgsql connection string with Azure Managed Identity that won’t expire on you.

What is Azure Managed Identity?

Azure Managed Identity is a feature in Azure Active Directory (AAD) that provides secure and easy-to-use authentication for Azure services. It allows your application to authenticate to Azure services without the need to manage credentials or secrets. With Managed Identity, you can focus on developing your application without worrying about authentication complexity.

Why Do I Need an Npgsql Connection String?

Npgsql is a popular .NET Data Provider for PostgreSQL that enables you to connect to PostgreSQL databases. When using Npgsql with Azure Managed Identity, you need a connection string that authenticates your application to the database using the Managed Identity. This connection string is crucial for establishing a secure and trusted connection between your application and the database.

The Problem with Expiring Connections

One common issue with Npgsql connection strings and Azure Managed Identity is that the connection string can expire, causing your application to fail. This can happen when the Managed Identity token expires or is revoked, leading to authentication errors and connectivity issues. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a connection string that won’t expire and will keep your application running smoothly.

Step 1: Register Your Application in Azure AD

To use Azure Managed Identity, you need to register your application in Azure Active Directory (AAD). This will create a service principal for your application that can be used for authentication.

  • Go to the Azure portal and navigate to Azure Active Directory.
  • Click on “App registrations” and then click on “New registration.”
  • Enter a name for your application and select “Web” as the platform.
  • Click on “Register” to create the service principal.

Step 2: Create a Managed Identity

Next, you need to create a Managed Identity for your application. This will enable your application to use the Managed Identity for authentication.

  • Go to the Azure portal and navigate to your application’s registration.
  • Click on “Managed identities” and then click on “New managed identity.”
  • Select “System-assigned” as the managed identity type.
  • Click on “Create” to create the Managed Identity.

Step 3: Grant Permissions to the Managed Identity

To use the Managed Identity for authentication, you need to grant the necessary permissions to the Managed Identity. In this case, you need to grant the “Azure Identity” permission to the Managed Identity.

  • Go to the Azure portal and navigate to your application’s registration.
  • Click on “API permissions” and then click on “Add a permission.”
  • Search for “Azure Identity” and select the permission.
  • Click on “Add permission” to grant the permission.

Step 4: Create the Npgsql Connection String

Now that you’ve set up the Managed Identity and granted the necessary permissions, you can create the Npgsql connection string. The connection string should include the following parameters:

  • Server: The hostname or IP address of your PostgreSQL server.
  • Database: The name of the PostgreSQL database you want to connect to.
  • Username: The username to use for authentication (leave empty for Managed Identity).
  • Password: The password to use for authentication (leave empty for Managed Identity).
  • AuthCIApi: The URL of the Azure Identity API.
  • TenantId: The tenant ID of your Azure AD tenant.
  • ClientId: The client ID of your application’s service principal.

Here’s an example connection string:;Database=mydatabase;Username=;Password=;

Step 5: Use the Connection String in Your Application

Now that you’ve created the connection string, you can use it in your .NET application to connect to the PostgreSQL database using Npgsql.

using Npgsql;

// Create a new Npgsql connection
NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection("your_connection_string");

// Open the connection

// Execute a query
NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("SELECT * FROM mytable", conn);
NpgsqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

// Close the connection

How to Handle Expiration

To handle expiration, you need to implement token refresh and caching mechanisms in your application. This will ensure that your application can retrieve a new token when the existing one expires.

You can use the following approaches:

  • Token caching: Cache the token and its expiration time to avoid frequent token requests.
  • Token refresh: Implement token refresh logic to retrieve a new token when the existing one expires.

Here’s an example of token refresh logic:

using System;
using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt;
using Microsoft.Identity.Client;

// Create a new instance of the ConfidentialClientApplication
var app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(ClientId)
    .WithAuthority(AzureCloudInstance.AzurePublic, TenantId)

// Get an access token
var tokenAcquisitionResult = await app.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(scopes);
if (tokenAcquisitionResult.Success)
    var accessToken = tokenAcquisitionResult.AccessToken;
    // Use the access token to connect to the database
    // Handle token acquisition failure


In this article, we’ve shown you how to create an Npgsql connection string with Azure Managed Identity that won’t expire. By following these steps and implementing token refresh and caching mechanisms, you can ensure that your application can connect to the database securely and reliably. Remember to register your application in Azure AD, create a Managed Identity, grant the necessary permissions, and use the connection string in your .NET application.

Parameter Description
Server The hostname or IP address of your PostgreSQL server.
Database The name of the PostgreSQL database you want to connect to.
Username The username to use for authentication (leave empty for Managed Identity).
Password The password to use for authentication (leave empty for Managed Identity).
AuthCIApi The URL of the Azure Identity API.
TenantId The tenant ID of your Azure AD tenant.
ClientId The client ID of your application’s service principal.

By following these best practices and guidelines, you can ensure that your application can connect to the database securely and reliably using Npgsql and Azure Managed Identity. Remember to monitor your application’s performance and adjust your connection string as needed to optimize performance and security.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Npgsql connection string with Azure Managed Identity that expires!

What is the main issue with Npgsql connection string when using Azure Managed Identity?

The main issue is that the Azure Managed Identity token expires after a certain period (usually 1 hour), causing the Npgsql connection to fail. This is because the token is not refreshed automatically, leading to authentication failures.

How can I configure the Npgsql connection string to handle Azure Managed Identity token expiration?

You can configure the Npgsql connection string to handle token expiration by setting the `TokenValidationParameters` property to `IgnoreLifetime = true`. This allows the token to be refreshed when it’s close to expiration. Additionally, you can implement a token renewal mechanism using the `Azure.Identity` library.

What is the recommended approach to handle token renewal with Npgsql and Azure Managed Identity?

The recommended approach is to use a token cache or a token renewal mechanism that can refresh the token when it’s close to expiration. You can implement this using the `Azure.Identity` library and its `ManagedIdentityCredential` class, which provides a built-in token cache and renewal mechanism.

How can I troubleshoot issues with Npgsql connection string and Azure Managed Identity token expiration?

To troubleshoot issues, you can enable logging in Npgsql and Azure.Identity libraries to see the detailed error messages. You can also check the Azure Managed Identity token expiration time and ensure that it’s not expired. Additionally, verify that the `TokenValidationParameters` property is set correctly and that the token renewal mechanism is implemented correctly.

Are there any known limitations or constraints when using Npgsql connection string with Azure Managed Identity?

Yes, there are some limitations and constraints. For example, Azure Managed Identity is only available on Azure-based services, and the token expiration time may vary depending on the Azure service and configuration. Additionally, the token renewal mechanism may require additional configuration and implementation depending on the specific use case.