What is Yarp and gRPC?
Image by Quannah - hkhazo.biz.id

What is Yarp and gRPC?

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Are you stuck trying to access a gRPC service through a Yarp gateway in a .Net Core application? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the possible reasons behind this issue and provide step-by-step instructions to help you troubleshoot and resolve it.

What is Yarp and gRPC?

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s quickly cover the basics.

Yarp (Yet Another Reverse Proxy) is a .Net Core-based reverse proxy framework developed by Microsoft. It provides a flexible and configurable way to route incoming requests to backend services.

gRPC, on the other hand, is a high-performance RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework developed by Google. It allows you to define service interfaces and generate client and server code in various programming languages, including C#.

Common Scenarios Leading to Access Issues

So, why can’t you access your gRPC service through the Yarp gateway? Here are some common scenarios that might be causing the issue:

  • Incorrect configuration: Misconfigured Yarp settings or gRPC service bindings can prevent the gateway from routing requests correctly.
  • Network connectivity issues: Firewall rules, DNS resolution, or network connectivity problems can block the gateway’s ability to reach the gRPC service.
  • Authentication and authorization: Inadequate or incorrect authentication and authorization settings can prevent the gateway from accessing the gRPC service.
  • Service registration and discovery: Improper service registration or discovery mechanisms can cause the gateway to fail in finding the gRPC service.

Troubleshooting Steps

Let’s walk through a series of steps to help you identify and resolve the issue:

Step 1: Verify Yarp Configuration

Check your Yarp configuration to ensure that:

  • The `routes` section is properly configured to route requests to the gRPC service.
  • The `clusters` section is correctly set up to target the gRPC service endpoint.
  • The `transports` section is configured to use the appropriate transport protocol (e.g., HTTP/2 or gRPC).

  "routes": {
    "/api/grpc": {
      "cluster": "grpc-cluster",
      "transports": ["Grpc"]
  "clusters": {
    "grpc-cluster": {
      "http2": {
        "endpoint": "grpc://localhost:50051"

Step 2: Check Network Connectivity

Verify that:

  • The gRPC service is running and listening on the expected endpoint (e.g., localhost:50051).
  • Firewall rules allow incoming requests from the Yarp gateway to the gRPC service.
  • DNS resolution is correct, and the gRPC service hostname resolves to the correct IP address.
  • Network connectivity is stable, and there are no issues with the underlying network infrastructure.

Step 3: Review Authentication and Authorization

Ensure that:

  • Authentication mechanisms (e.g., OAuth, JWT) are correctly configured for the gRPC service.
  • Authorization settings allow the Yarp gateway to access the gRPC service.
  • Credentials are properly set up and valid for the gRPC service.

Step 4: Verify Service Registration and Discovery

Check that:

  • The gRPC service is registered with a service discovery mechanism (e.g., DNS, etcd).
  • The Yarp gateway is configured to use the same service discovery mechanism to find the gRPC service.
  • Service registration is correct, and the gRPC service is advertising its endpoint correctly.

Step 5: Enable Debug Logging

Enable debug logging for both the Yarp gateway and the gRPC service to gather more detailed information about the issue:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug",
      "System": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Information"

Step 6: Analyze Debug Logs

Analyze the debug logs to identify the root cause of the issue:

  • Look for errors, warnings, or exceptions related to the gRPC service or Yarp configuration.
  • Verify that the Yarp gateway is attempting to connect to the correct gRPC service endpoint.
  • Check if there are any authentication or authorization issues preventing the gateway from accessing the gRPC service.

Common Resolutions

Based on the troubleshooting steps above, here are some common resolutions to the issue:

Cause Resolution
Incorrect Yarp configuration Review and correct Yarp configuration settings, ensuring accurate routing and clustering.
Network connectivity issues Resolve network connectivity problems, ensure firewall rules allow incoming requests, and verify DNS resolution.
Authentication and authorization issues Correctly configure authentication and authorization settings for the gRPC service and Yarp gateway.
Service registration and discovery issues Verify correct service registration and discovery mechanisms, ensuring the Yarp gateway can find the gRPC service.


Unable to access a gRPC service through a Yarp gateway in .Net Core? Don’t worry! By following the troubleshooting steps and common resolutions outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to:

  1. Verify Yarp configuration and network connectivity.
  2. Review authentication and authorization settings.
  3. Check service registration and discovery mechanisms.
  4. Enable debug logging and analyze logs to identify the root cause.

With patience and persistence, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and resolve the issue, ensuring seamless communication between your Yarp gateway and gRPC service in .Net Core.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common issues on accessing gRPC services through Yarp Gateway in .Net Core.

Why am I unable to access my gRPC service through the Yarp Gateway in .Net Core?

This issue might be caused by a misconfiguration of the Yarp Gateway or the gRPC service. Ensure that the Yarp Gateway is properly configured to route traffic to your gRPC service. Check the `yarp.json` file and verify that the service is correctly registered. Also, make sure that the gRPC service is running and listening on the expected port.

How can I troubleshoot issues with accessing my gRPC service through the Yarp Gateway?

To troubleshoot issues, enable debug logging in the Yarp Gateway by setting the `YARP_GATEWAY_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable to `Debug`. This will provide more detailed logs about the requests and responses. You can also use tools like `grpcurl` or `gRPC CLI` to test the gRPC service directly, bypassing the Yarp Gateway.

Do I need to configure CORS in the Yarp Gateway to access my gRPC service?

Yes, CORS configuration is required in the Yarp Gateway to allow access to the gRPC service from a web application. You can configure CORS by adding the `cors` section to the `yarp.json` file, specifying the allowed origins, methods, and headers.

Can I use a reverse proxy in front of the Yarp Gateway to access my gRPC service?

Yes, you can use a reverse proxy in front of the Yarp Gateway to access your gRPC service. This can be useful for load balancing, SSL termination, or other security requirements. Ensure that the reverse proxy is configured to forward the necessary headers and protocol (e.g., HTTP/2) to the Yarp Gateway.

How can I monitor and observe the traffic flowing through the Yarp Gateway to my gRPC service?

You can use tools like `Jaeger`, `OpenTracing`, or `Azure Monitor` to monitor and observe the traffic flowing through the Yarp Gateway to your gRPC service. These tools provide distributed tracing and telemetry features that allow you to visualize and analyze the request flow and performance.