Unraveling the Mystery: Why Jetpack Compose CRUD Application Views Don’t Refresh
Image by Quannah - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Why Jetpack Compose CRUD Application Views Don’t Refresh

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall, wondering why your Jetpack Compose CRUD application views refuse to refresh? You’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this frustrating issue, only to find themselves lost in a sea of cryptic error messages and confusing documentation.

Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to unmuddle the mysteries of Jetpack Compose and CRUD application views. By the end of this epic journey, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to tackle this pesky problem and get your views refreshing like a pro!

What’s the Deal with Jetpack Compose?

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s take a step back and understand the basics of Jetpack Compose. This Android UI toolkit, introduced by Google in 2019, revolutionized the way we build user interfaces for Android apps. With its declarative programming model and powerful composables, Jetpack Compose simplifies the development process and makes our lives as developers easier.

However, as with any new technology, Jetpack Compose comes with its own set of quirks and challenges. One of the most common stumbling blocks is the infamous “view not refreshing” issue, particularly in CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) applications.

CRUD Application Views: The Refresh Conundrum

In a typical CRUD application, you’re dealing with data that’s constantly changing. Whether it’s adding a new user, editing a product description, or deleting an order, your views need to reflect these changes in real-time. But what happens when they don’t?

The symptoms are familiar:

  • Your view doesn’t update after creating, reading, updating, or deleting data.
  • You’re using a RecyclerView or LazyColumn to display data, but it stays stagnant.
  • You’ve tried calling invalidate() or requestLayout() on the view, but to no avail.

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The good news is that the solution lies in understanding how Jetpack Compose handles state and data flow.

State Hoisting: The Key to Refreshing Views

In Jetpack Compose, state is the backbone of your application’s UI. When you update your data, you need to inform the Composable function about the change. This process is called “state hoisting.”

To hoist the state, you need to:

  1. Define the state as a mutable state holder (e.g., MutableStateListOf or MutableLiveData).
  2. Pass the state as a parameter to the Composable function.
  3. Update the state when data changes.
viewModelScope.launch {
  // Update the data
  val newData = fetchDataFromAPI()
  // Update the state
  currentState.value = newData

By hoisting the state, you’re telling Jetpack Compose to re-compute the Composable function and re-render the view with the new data.

Data Flow: Understanding the Unidirectional Flow

In Jetpack Compose, data flows unidirectionally from the ViewModel to the UI. The ViewModel acts as the single source of truth, providing the data to the UI. When the data changes, the ViewModel notifies the UI to re-render.

The unidirectional flow is crucial to understanding why views don’t refresh. If your data isn’t flowing correctly, your views will remain stagnant.

Component Responsibility
ViewModel Manages data and notifies the UI of changes
UI (Composable function) Renders the view based on the data provided by the ViewModel

Common Pitfalls: Why Your Views Aren’t Refreshing

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some common mistakes that might be preventing your views from refreshing:

Pitfall 1: Not Updating the State

Forgetting to update the state after data changes is a rookie mistake. Make sure to update the state holder with the new data.

// Incorrect
val data = fetchDataFromAPI()

// Correct
currentState.value = fetchDataFromAPI()

Pitfall 2: Not Hoisting the State

Failing to hoist the state means the Composable function won’t re-render with the new data. Pass the state as a parameter to the Composable function.

// Incorrect

// Correct

Pitfall 3: Ignoring the Unidirectional Flow

Disregarding the unidirectional flow can lead to chaos in your data flow. Ensure that the ViewModel notifies the UI of changes, and the UI re-renders accordingly.

// Incorrect
uiScope.launch {
  // Update data directly in the UI
  currentState.value = fetchDataFromAPI()

// Correct
viewModelScope.launch {
  // Update data in the ViewModel
  currentState.value = fetchDataFromAPI()

Solving the Mystery: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the theory, let’s create a simple CRUD application using Jetpack Compose to demonstrate the solution.

Step 1: Define the State and ViewModel

data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)

class UserViewModel : ViewModel() {
  private val _users = MutableStateListOf<User>()
  val users: StateListOf<User> = _users
  fun addUser(name: String) {
    val user = User(_users.size, name)
  fun updateUser(id: Int, name: String) {
    _users.find { it.id == id }?.name = name
  fun deleteUser(id: Int) {
    _users.removeIf { it.id == id }

Step 2: Create the Composable Function

fun UserList(viewModel: UserViewModel) {
  val users by viewModel.users
  LazyColumn {
    items(users) { user ->

fun UserItem(user: User) {
  Row {
    Button(onClick = { /* Delete user */ }) {

Step 3: Update the State and Notify the UI

UserViewModel viewModel = UserViewModel()

Button(onClick = {
  viewModel.addUser("New User")
}) {
  Text("Add User")

VoilĂ ! Your CRUD application views should now refresh correctly after creating, reading, updating, or deleting data.


In conclusion, the seemingly mystical problem of Jetpack Compose CRUD application views not refreshing can be solved by understanding the fundamentals of state hoisting and data flow. By hoisting the state and respecting the unidirectional flow, you’ll be able to create dynamic and responsive CRUD applications that delight your users.

Remember, the key to success lies in:

  • Defining and updating the state correctly.
  • Hoisting the state to the Composable function.
  • Respecting the unidirectional flow of data.

With these principles in mind, you’ll be well on your way to crafting impressive Jetpack Compose CRUD applications that refresh views with ease.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Jetpack Compose CRUD application views don’t refresh” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with a Jetpack Compose CRUD application that refuses to refresh its views? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why do my Jetpack Compose views not refresh when I update the underlying data?

This is because Jetpack Compose only recomposes the UI when the state of the composable function changes. Make sure you’re using a State or MutableState object to store your data, and that you’re updating the state correctly. Also, check if you’re using the `remember` function to store the state, as it can cache the state and prevent recomposition.

I’m using a Room database, do I need to use a separate thread to update the data?

Yes, Room database operations should be performed on a separate thread to avoid blocking the main thread. You can use a coroutine or a thread to update the data, and then use a LiveData or Flow to observe the data changes and update the UI.

How do I use LiveData to observe data changes in my Jetpack Compose app?

You can use the `observeAsState` function to observe a LiveData object in your composable function. This will convert the LiveData object to a State object that can be used to update the UI.

What is the role of `LaunchedEffect` in updating the UI in Jetpack Compose?

`LaunchedEffect` is a composable function that can be used to launch a coroutine when a specific condition is met. It can be used to update the UI when the underlying data changes, and can also be used to handle side effects such as loading data from a database.

Can I use a ViewModel to update the UI in my Jetpack Compose app?

Yes, you can use a ViewModel to update the UI in your Jetpack Compose app. The ViewModel can hold the data and business logic, and the composable function can observe the data using LiveData or Flow. When the data changes, the composable function can recompose the UI with the new data.

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