FHIR Query using _type and Common Search Parameters: A Comprehensive Guide
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FHIR Query using _type and Common Search Parameters: A Comprehensive Guide

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Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) has revolutionized the way healthcare data is accessed, shared, and utilized. One of the most powerful features of FHIR is its querying capability, which enables developers to retrieve specific data from a FHIR server. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of FHIR querying using _type and common search parameters, providing you with a comprehensive guide to get you started.

What are FHIR Queries?

FHIR queries allow developers to retrieve specific resources from a FHIR server based on predefined criteria. These queries can be used to fetch individual resources, groups of resources, or even entire collections of data. FHIR queries are essential for building effective healthcare applications, enabling features such as patient data retrieval, clinical decision support, and population health management.

The Power of _type in FHIR Queries

The _type search parameter is a fundamental component of FHIR queries. It enables developers to specify the type of resource they want to retrieve. For instance, if you want to retrieve all Patient resources from a FHIR server, you can use the following query:

GET [base]/Patient

This query will retrieve all Patient resources from the specified base URL. However, what if you want to retrieve multiple types of resources in a single query? That’s where the _type parameter comes into play.

Using the _type parameter, you can specify multiple resource types separated by commas. For example:

GET [base]?_type=Patient,Encounter,Observation

This query will retrieve all Patient, Encounter, and Observation resources from the specified base URL. The _type parameter is a powerful tool for retrieving multiple resource types in a single query.

Common Search Parameters in FHIR Queries

In addition to the _type parameter, FHIR provides a range of common search parameters that can be used to filter and refine query results. These parameters include:

  • _id: Retrieves resources based on their identifier.
  • _language: Retrieves resources based on their language.
  • _profile: Retrieves resources based on their profile.
  • _security: Retrieves resources based on their security labels.
  • _tag: Retrieves resources based on their tags.
  • _text: Retrieves resources based on their text searches.
  • _content: Retrieves resources based on their content.
  • _has: Retrieves resources based on their relationships with other resources.
  • __include: Retrieves resources and their included resources.
  • _revinclude: Retrieves resources and their reverse included resources.
  • _summary: Retrieves resources with a summary of their contents.

These common search parameters can be used in combination with the _type parameter to create powerful and flexible queries. For example:

GET [base]?_type=Patient&_language=en&_tag=http://example.org/tags/active

This query will retrieve all Patient resources with the language set to English and the tag “active” from the specified base URL.

Chaining Search Parameters in FHIR Queries

FHIR allows developers to chain multiple search parameters together to create complex queries. This is achieved by separating each parameter with an ampersand (&). For example:

GET [base]?_type=Patient&_language=en&_tag=http://example.org/tags/active&_has:Patient:general-practitioner=http://example.org/providers/123

This query will retrieve all Patient resources with the language set to English, the tag “active”, and a general practitioner with the identifier “http://example.org/providers/123”. Chaining search parameters enables developers to create highly specific queries that match exact criteria.

Filtering Query Results in FHIR

In addition to search parameters, FHIR provides a range of filter operators that can be used to refine query results. These operators include:

  • eq: Equal to.
  • ne: Not equal to.
  • gt: Greater than.
  • lt: Less than.
  • ge: Greater than or equal to.
  • le: Less than or equal to.
  • sa: Starts after.
  • eb: Ends before.
  • ap: Approximately.

These filter operators can be used in combination with search parameters to create highly specific queries. For example:

GET [base]?_type=Observation&_value-quantity=gt|10|http://unitsofmeasure.org|mg

This query will retrieve all Observation resources with a value greater than 10 milligrams from the specified base URL.

Sorting and Paging in FHIR Queries

When dealing with large datasets, it’s essential to have control over the ordering and pagination of query results. FHIR provides two parameters to achieve this:

  • _sort: Specifies the sort order of the query results.
  • _count: Specifies the number of resources to return per page.

For example:

GET [base]?_type=Patient&_sort=name&_count=10

This query will retrieve the first 10 Patient resources in alphabetical order by name from the specified base URL.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of FHIR queries using _type and common search parameters. We’ve seen how these parameters can be combined to create powerful and flexible queries, and how chaining search parameters and using filter operators can refine query results. By mastering FHIR queries, developers can unlock the full potential of healthcare data, enabling new insights, improved patient care, and more efficient healthcare systems.

FHIR Query Parameter Description
_type Specifies the type of resource to retrieve.
_id Retrieves resources based on their identifier.
_language Retrieves resources based on their language.
_profile Retrieves resources based on their profile.
_security Retrieves resources based on their security labels.
_tag Retrieves resources based on their tags.
_text Retrieves resources based on their text searches.
_content Retrieves resources based on their content.
_has Retrieves resources based on their relationships with other resources.
_include Retrieves resources and their included resources.
_revinclude Retrieves resources and their reverse included resources.
_summary Retrieves resources with a summary of their contents.

By mastering FHIR queries, developers can unlock the full potential of healthcare data, enabling new insights, improved patient care, and more efficient healthcare systems. Whether you’re building a clinical decision support system, a population health management platform, or a patient engagement app, FHIR queries are an essential tool in your toolkit.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “FHIR query using _type and common search parameters” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question>

Get ready to unravel the mysteries of FHIR queries with our expert answers!

What is the purpose of using _type in FHIR queries?

The `_type` parameter in FHIR queries allows you to specify the type of resource you’re searching for. This is particularly useful when you’re querying a Bundle resource that contains multiple types of resources. By specifying the `_type` parameter, you can filter the results to only include the specific resource type you’re interested in, making your search results more precise and efficient.

What are common search parameters in FHIR?

Common search parameters in FHIR include `_id`, `_lastUpdated`, `_profile`, and `_tag`. These parameters can be used to search for resources based on their ID, last updated date, profile, or tags, respectively. These search parameters are commonly used and supported by most FHIR servers, making it easy to search and retrieve resources.

Can I use multiple search parameters in a single FHIR query?

Yes, you can use multiple search parameters in a single FHIR query by separating them with the `&` character. For example, `GET /Patient?name=John&birthdate=1990-01-01` would search for patients named John with a birthdate of January 1, 1990. This allows you to create more complex and specific searches to retrieve the exact resources you need.

How do I use the `_type` parameter with other search parameters?

You can combine the `_type` parameter with other search parameters by including them in the query string. For example, `GET /?_type=Observation&code=1234-5` would search for Observations with a code of 1234-5. This allows you to filter your search results to specific resource types and further refine your search using additional parameters.

What is the difference between using `_type` and specifying the resource type in the URL?

When you specify the resource type in the URL, such as `GET /Patient`, you’re only searching for resources of that specific type. Using the `_type` parameter, on the other hand, allows you to search for multiple resource types within a Bundle or other collection. This gives you more flexibility in your searches and allows you to retrieve a wider range of resources.